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Jun 2016
I carry an envelope
half full of emptiness
empty of hope
addressed to someone who
might understand
someone in Paraguay or

A second class stamp
I can't afford any more.

A swiss army knife for a wife,

There is hope by the score,
expensive though
at the second hand store
I wait in vain
in pain
for someone to say
Je t'aime

(which means love in French I think, but
she can be Irish or anything
just something)
(ps it might mean something else in French, but it has a nice ring to the sound when I say it out loud so I hope it means love)

One day this envelope will flake away
before that day
my day
our day
will get in the way.
John Edward Smallshaw
Written by
John Edward Smallshaw  68/Here and now
(68/Here and now)   
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