i've never been without you, neither have i felt any real need for you. you were someone that was there, you made living (dying?) more comfortable.
then, there was the time that i wanted you. so much to have you, prove i could have you, say you're not a big deal. that was the time i was so angry for not having you, not being able to get you, not being able to prove what you are or are not.
i hated you. what it meant not having you.
i can still taste that hatred sometimes. it tastes like fat. like oil. deep fried satisfying it hits my stomach absorbs into the intestines inches its way to those places separating organs from each other then seeps to that fine fine space just under the skin
it sits there, i can't get rid of it but i want more that slick, slimey feel on my lips taste buds tingling for release until i'm not sure who's devouring what.
i haven't a stitch of you left with me now im a liar and a thief and even i being me wouldn't trust myself if i were someone else. why should you
a strange thing to be free with nothing not even a calculated expectation