These summer days Are so strange. There's so much silence That I wish was sound.
I've always craved quiet But it's different now. Something about quiet Makes me uneasy.
I'm trying to stay busy, Occupied, Distracted from all the quiet That's laughing at me.
Maybe I need noise Because in silence My mind demands to be heard. And I do not want to listen.
I do not want to listen To what whispers echo Throughout my skull When there's nothing stimulating My attention.
I've heard them before And I have no interest In being held hostage By what feels like A foreign voice.
I refuse to follow My diseased train of thought. It will only lead me Into wars And off cliffs.
So I will make noise By any means necessary. I will scream songs I don't know the lyrics to. I will play my guitar Even if it's out of tune.
I will listen to a comforting voice With a mesmerizing face. I will smoke until The silence is friendly. I will paint And become enthralled by colors That only have examples And no names.
I want my days to be Loud and Vibrant. No more dull Silence.