I haven't wrote a poem since I could inscribe your name inside of the stone cold outline of my cerebellum. My movements are etched inside these lines, but it seems you write too much in cursive which consists of you interweaving your thoughts around mine. I believe these movements are meek- that these hands can only write for so long before they feel as if they have said too much. Or too much of the same thing- I cannot wrap this head around your literature how you walk and the way you switch pages in an instant- I didn't even get to read you. But this comprehension is merely subjective when it comes to your eyes under these sheets and these hands all over your brain trying to rack it of what is left of us. You speak in tongues and run in and out of me- but somehow I still can't hear you. Just a soft faint whisper behind these outlines and inside of these four walls. You encompass me but it seems you still haven't a clue where you're going. Time and time again I try to rewind these words and read another page of your insides only to have it ripped away from these fingers. Now all you do is collect dust building up these leftover skin cells because you would rather shed yourself thin than open up.
I haven't written a poem such as this- since your words ripped me in two and I had to rebind this spine of mine. Seems I am a renewed version of myself and still a used copy all in the same two hands. There isn't a page missing here but somehow they are all defiled and bent backwards they seem, lacking uniformity just read me- because I need you to see me because I need you to let me see you.