Would I? Myself Want to controll another? Only if I needed to controll myself. Only if I didn't trust That my life was safe and secure. Only if I had something Left to lose. What's the harm right?
Right! The harm is That you become responsible For another's happiness Do not change others Let them be who they are Let them be what they are If it doesn't serve you Keep them at bay For you are the only one Responsible for your own happiness.
Accept others in to your life And only ever ask them To make themselves happy. And never forget To make yourself happy too. Because that's where Consistent joy lies You have the power To choose your own path To some extend And then comes the soul. the soul is the boss*
Do not stop To ask others to suit your needs You have to suit your needs What others do for you Is their own choice And when it's good It's the deepest expression Of how much they love you. That is true love And it is as vast as time. Allow it in to your life And you will see Miracles manifest.
I've met alot of controlling people in my life. Some mildly controlling, others compulsively controlling. I've suffered the consequence of trying to please others above myself and it never served me to any extend except that I learned my lesson. I breake rules and challenge others on a daily basis, not to harm them but simply to bite their feelings out. I'm not sorry. The only way to serve others daily, is to allow them and encourage them to be ok with who they are and follow it up with "if it doesn't hinder you, don't change it; if it hinders you, change it" but never try to change others for your own sake because then you are the one with a problem.