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May 2016
When I sit on the edge of hill
Taking the fresh air
Mixed with sea salt
And smell of some foreign lands

I Think in myself
This is all what I need

When I lie on fresh cut grass
Leting my body to connect
To the beginning of my self
And feeling the tickles of other beings

I think in myself
That's all what I need.

When I give my hand to a stranger
Or just a lovley word for his tired soul
Seeing his thankful guard
and smile on his face

I Think in myself
That's all what I need.

I think in myself often
How beatiful this world could be
If everyone could just open
And go back to the place
Where they are free.

M.T. 2016
Mirela Totić
Written by
Mirela Totić  29/F/Croatia-Zagreb
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