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May 2016
Your heart is trapped in the cold and the numb
Behind a wall inside of you of impossible heights
I have seen these things behind your eyes
Your eyes of infinite tears of salt and oceans blue
Your pain painted with brush strokes
Mixed with the colors of lunacy and magic
Swirling like stars of Van Gogh
This is where and how I learned to love you
Fall madly for you
Devote my heart and soul to you
And only you
Your eyes lead me into the mouth and madness
Of my own heart and soul
Showed me the true reflection of my love and spirit
Never before had love bloomed more wildly and lovely
Never before had there been such a garden inside me
Never had the flowers swayed and sung so merrily
I had known both love and madness before
But never had I known or been so madly in love
Never so perfectly connected to my inner being
Never felt the harmony of the universes heart beat in sync with my own


Lost in the paint and magic of  your eyes
And the pain and ache of your soul
The hopes and dreams of your heart
All your perfectly beautiful frailties
Here in your shrouded darkness
I found your light
And in your light I found
A touch of unknown delicacy
A color unkown to mortal eyes
An exquisite madness
And I found the lost truths of love
Whispered and shouted
Dancing and twisting
Entwining with my blood and marrow
Lifting the lost and dead pieces of both my heart and soul
The unknown secrets of life and joy pulsing throughout me
Bringing me whole and making me complete
I have become part of something more
Than life and death
Than love and sorrow
Than suns and moons
I have become the freedom
Of the sins of angel and beast
Of the beginning and end of time
Of heaven and hell

I want to be tied to your bed
To keep the monsters beneath
And the devil out
I want to be chained to your wall
To always be bound inside with you
And to help tear it down
I want to be buried in your heart
To keep its flow and pulse forever warm
I want to be the war of the wind
To blow away the coulds
And **** the rains of doubt
Let me live and love you
From within your darkness
And by your side
I will always be yours
Even if you will never
Be mine
I cannot stop my fall
And love for you
I cannot control
This fate anymore than I could willingly stop
My heart from beating
And my heart
Will beat for you
Past the decay of my bones and flesh
Past the ends of the world
Past the broken ticks of time
My heart and my love
Always set
Always rise
Over infinites horizon
Singing for you
And only you
Akira Chinen
Written by
Akira Chinen  122/M/texas
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