First, have your agenda’s all mapped out Categorize all your subheadings that you will be talking about Have your cue cards with outlines in what you will say Then relax and take a deep breath before you speak Now don’t dwell on can’t nor defeat Be confident, but don’t act nervous Because it will be obvious You want to be persuasive and get your presentation across Emphasize, but not extreme force Now stand ***** and speak direct Give plenty of eye contact in assuring the audience you are confident Think of yourself as a Wizard and the magic being your own words As your Speech Coach, your presentation words will unfold Your inspiration as your coach will come out Being a Victorian of words will be what you are about For some, presentation Speech can be nerve wrecking, but it is up too you to make it soothing for the soul within yourself No one is going to pack you on the back in presenting your speech As your Coach, I did teach Be confident and self assured Then watch as you get a applaud Speech presentations is the inspirations that comes through Achievement is your reward It’s like being honored with a secrete royalty sword But give honor to the almighty Lord Now present in your platform and let your words carry you on.