Her soft Italian accent Still haunts my dreams. I did not know she was love. Love had never called on me before. Suddenly all I ever needed or dreamed of and wanted. was here in my waking world.
She was soft and romantic. In the half-light of sleeping I would watch over her. A vigil to my sweet gentle lover. For her ******* was natural as breathing. She held the promise of all her femininity In everything she did.
She bore my children. And gave me romance until the day she died. I did not understand love until she taught it to me with her sweetness and tenderness.
Even in her resting place The flowers turn towards her feeling her warmth even in death.
I do not need for love to call on me again. For love has been and still lives in my heart.
I speak to her softly. Each night in her native Italian Addio, amore mi. Farewell my love.