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A bored Poet
May 2016
Born to do right
Truth my might
Taught to hate evil
To fight it with light
Raised in a santuary
Where no one could see me
An angel hidden from sight
In fear of exposure to the world's delight
Time said hi
And I grew by
The gates were opened
And i could fly
Enthralled by a world
Taught to me, decieving
I roamed everywhere
Without a thought of stopping
I met time by a bench
And he waved again
And now im comfortable
With this world's trend
Im still aware of my values
Heck, its etched into my hippocampus
I know I wont betray
And never will I disobey
As I roamed
I found an abode
Where i felt welcome
In this very mysterious world
I came by every day
And I grew more attached
Some days I stayed
And soon overnights were an always
Ofcourse my teachers knew
Of my new found visiting
To the unknown abode
And didnt let it go
They were scared
Of what I could become
That I would be tainted
That I would no longer be perfect
They kept warning me
At first I understood
And wanted to share
The forseen likelihood
It was reasonable at first
But it started to sour
And their warnings
Started to shower
Soon the shower turned to downpour
And It became out of hand
It had no more logic
And I wanted to leave my land
I ran away
And hid in the world
And again I found that home
Which considered me as their own
I met with friends
That lived in the world
And learned to coexist with them
Learned to appreciate the world
As I grew acquainted
Something grew in my head
A feeling that I have felt before
And has returned once more
Memories of my past return
And this feeling began to churn
I felt heaps of coal burn within my chest
And as I unlock my past regrets
Hatred of my home rekindled
Leaving my sanity bewildered
Thoughts of resovle was constant
But Rage became triumphant
Engulfed in Wrath my decision was clear
To turn away truth was painfully near
Now put my former self aside
And wonder whats like on the other side
Part 2! Part 3 comming soon
Written by
A bored Poet
Keith Edward Baucum
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