Strangers We're all strangers No matter how long We know each other Love each other Wether its days or weeks or years Of loving and fighting and ******* Spending our days of cold silence And warm whispers together Lonely nights in the same bed And desperate longing when apart Where just strangers All of us Married for years Or stumbling through that first night Of awkward first kisses and trembling hands Strangers pretending to know more And love more than we truthfully know how Moaning names through the night and grumbling the daylight away Just for that dreadful moment of false peace and happiness
None of us knowing anymore about anyone else than we know about ourselves And we know nothing of ourselves Faking the word Pretending to feel
Unless you get lucky... not many do. But theres a few rare gems out there that know The mad, the lunatics, those who refused the pill and choose the sickness Those that would rather live ten million life times of anguish and torment just so they could feel one perfect moment of pure beauty and truth Those seeking out the strange ones amongst the strangers Those who do not pretend but know the how and dance with the why and its madness Those that write their names across the clouds of heaven in stars blood Those who kiss the angels and dance with demons Those that have found each other life after life Those who have swam through black holes And walked on the surface of the sun just for that one moment to be together That moment of beautiful painful truth of love shared Tangling body and heart and soul Where they both become the singular heart beat of love resonating throughout the universe. A sound that makes even the horizon of eternity shudder with pleasure. I only knew strangers most of my life A few strange ones here and there And we had our moments Of beauty and truth But never a strange one like this No nothing like this In this one I found that one perfect moment That once in a lifetime love And falling And have fallen To this mad mad love For her It is the honey gods are made of