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May 2016
"You're a social person
And you do approach men
Yet never enough
For them to know for sure
That they have your favour
You always leave it in the middle
You do make known
Who you like the most
But never exactly how much
Are you just friends
Do you need more time
Are you looking for proof
What does a man have to do?"

In a flash I feel it again
A set of gentle hands
On my hips
As I danced the night away
And I hear it again
A firm "no"
Yet he did nothing wrong
That was not my finest hour
I wonder if he gathered
All his courage to do that.
sorry, it's really not you

And then it came to me
The mindset:
It never works out anyway
The result of being rediculed
In your first relationship.
Well done ex, well done.
Best friends are the sweetest therapists
Written by
Sirenes  Belgium
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