It's more akin to touch than to sight or sound A focused vibration felt within my bones My eyes can't spot it My ears don't detect even The smallest whisper when it begins And at its crescendo, I'm buzzing and sharp ~~~ And aloud, I say, "Yes LORD? Your servant is here!" And then it subsides And it's no longer clear
Did I feel that? Was it real?
I doubt it;
I think, I feel...
That even if angels came down to my street And lifted me up - right off of my feet And for minutes, held me airborne Two yards off the ground I know that the moment that I was brought down...
I would doubt my own senses That's why I can't be The chosen, the faithful, who's allowed to see
Prone to scoff at the stories Of loved ones who'd swear There’s something Much bigger than ourselves out there
But Yah Me Unfortunately
...Prone to wander and wallow Prone to spit, not to swallow the stories of old As I stray from the fold