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May 2016
I was a fool to think
That we could be together
With the twist of the wrist
I was erased from your life
I zoomed in on your face
To try and understand

Such dead, dead eyes.

They all warned me
Those that mean well but want only
And give only to their comfortable
And with the exchange of business cards, speaking my name
The title of my movie out loud
Quaking, aching
But freeing myself into my own
A voice or two tries to stop me
Knock me down, disqualify my innermost feelings
They want me to look or behave
A certain way

And today I saw my reflection and thought
Where I have all been
And I worry and I fear
But I'm too busy to be too concerned
And at times, I feel
The most alone.

I went through the pictures
Because I couldn't

I remember when it was me next to you
And you and you
My brothers right
You are just another boy I dated
Nothing more
But shaking the disappointment
I made you so special in my mind

But the truth is
Your eyes are so dead
And I didn't even realize.
Written by
OnwardFlame  Los Angeles, CA
(Los Angeles, CA)   
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