You are my sisters child not mine. I think you were almost four back then. it was so very long ago. Your beauty astounded me. You had me smitten then and if truth be known As you do now.
We were having a shore lunch by the lake. The lake trout sizzled in its butter on the barbeques. When naked as a jaybird You jumped from the dock. Disappearing into the lakes deep waters Into the world of minnows and trout
I jumped in to save you but you were already at the surface swimming in doggie paddle fashion. Refusing my grip in fierce independence. A trait you still possess. I saw the big sign Danger No swimming but I let you go staying close to you. You were kept buoyant by the fruits of the young by life’s power that flowed from you
And for an hour you stayed in that water. You won’t remember I am sure But I saw you forming the great woman that you became As you scorned my help. And swam to the dock lifting yourself onto its platform. That’s the moment we clicked Man and woman child friends forever an eternal unbreakable bond.