The Christmas angel sat sadly on the shelf She sat there all by herself She had been sitting there for years You could tell she had cried many tears For she was covered in dust, except for the streaks On her beautifully round cheeks
For there was no tree for her to grace the top One year it wasn't put up, it just came to a stop All the children had grown up and left In them the Christmas spirit had been kept They had always been the reason The mother had decorated for the season The reason the smell of cookies baking would fill the house Now there is not even a cookie crumb, not even for a mouse
So the angel sat all alone Watching how the darkness had grown The mother no longer caring Her sadness, over bearing Every year it seemed to get worse The mother feeling Christmas time was a curse The angel trying to figure out how her cold heart to traverse How to chase away the darkness and the pain disperse
Then like magic, one Christmas eve a knock on the door What the mother saw knocked her to the floor Her eye's filled with tears of joy There in the doorway stood a little girl and a little boy The grandbabies had came Christmas would never be the same Those tiny little arms held out to be picked up Had more than over filled the Christmas spirits cup
With laughter and song The put up the tree, it didn't take long And the angel was dusted off Given a kiss and placed on the top Although old and slightly tattered It didn't in the lest bit matter They plugged in the tree, fingers crossed they hoped it would light All those gathered round the tree gasped at the sight That little angel had never shined such a bright brilliant light
A single tear rolled down the mother's cheek, the same time one rolled down the face of the angel A tear of joy and of hope for the future, then the Grandmother scooped up the grandbabies Kimberly and Abel Held them up so they could see Just how beautiful that angel could be