I can hear the heat in the vegas traffic / I can smell the pool water / sitting here on the lumps of my mattress / I even can taste the lively daylight, a confection of life's commotions, sweet gobbstoppers, and sour gummies / I can feel the tug of the outside / sirens beckoning from earth and sky / inside I can hear the trees pantomiming existence : the scent of church : gardenias : what sights waking wide --eyes that love to awe in worship / Life /
and I am sitting Indian style, in my bedroom / coffin / peering through a digital window, at the world I want to feel / Natgeo in high def...
I am the blue pill consuming a matrix steak of ignorance called bliss / and the emotion that is strongest, is a bad word known as / Need... /
please free the caged bird / see what new songs / what more can be heard / ... / please?! Pretty Please?
Coocoo bird at noon o'clock knows why it sings after every tock and hour knocking so why not pretty please ? / feel free to notice
if briefly -- how we breathe... even captive, the caged lung sings I want such wings that the air in my breast is song of nightingales!
be the art form heaven graciously experiments...
Freedom ! cry the river Nile Freedom without denial Freedom! *(screamed the coffin's dead, ghost the lifeless poet's restlessness)