He's my best friend even when he disappears from the world for a bit , I know all the ways he's making sure for me to know he's still here for me .
It's been years and miraculously distance has been powerless against our friendship ,
We hear over and over again how we'll make such a cute couple and how we'll probably get married someday , but none of that is important
I'm just grateful . For every day you're in my life for the comfortable silences and the talks that go on until one of us falls asleep and it goes on hours later ,
I don't think you understand . How much all the times you let me cry meant , nor how many smiles the stupid things you say have brought to me . You are my enlightenment and unspoken love
the hand I grasp for . Everything that has brought me you I thank , for we've both needed this fight together to get back on our feet
and with all of me and an embrace from you . I know we'll never stop dancing