Nobody lives In the Here and Now We live in a past As it rips and trips It's way Through a future Like an arrow through air Never actually existing In any absolute Parameter Of space or time Hurtling through The ever-present Modulating waves Of the eminent existence
Like the waves Of water of an ocean Upon meeting its own Inevitable resistance. Zone The rocky shores up ahead
With nowhere to continue Falling back In futile retreat Absorbed Battered By a past Catching up at last
As the once Forward-thinking Now..... Ever shrinking Mind Of the actual Factual Suddenly reactional Mortal Who's Primal human thoughts That were In the millionth Of a millionth of a billionth Of a second scattered When they were splattered Upon Slamming headlong Into the time wall of Eternity Like the seawall of an ocean where the Timeless spirit lives Spinning out Reams and reams of time to be flung Blown Away in the nothingness Smiling as it works time and time Forevermore listening to the past As it crashing upon the shore