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Jan 2012
finding me in the
         dense corn field
         is difficult, even if
         you search all around,
i would be
working with the peasants,
somewhere, far or near
or resting under the tree shade
sharing their home made food.

finding me in the
             library is even more remote,
             some word,
             acting as an enticement
             would take me to the deapths,
             i'll feel free and relieved
and be swimming with the words -
unaware of time, sharing their aesthetic delights.

finding me in the
               day time, would be
               such a tricky affair,
               i eat, the clear light,
              drink freedom for delight,
and slowly get levitating
and fly above all like a storm petrel,
in ethereal form above distant clouds.

finding me in water
              would never be possible,
              at the edge of the lake i sit,
              my face reflects
              in the water plane,
              and my eyes dive and swim,
with fish of every size.
i wll be a fish like the time of my origin:
fish that swam from dad's ****, to mom's womb.

Find me
         with in you, if you remember my smile,
         my words, my deeds,thunder and rain,
         my quirky eye, my heart's deepest desire,
search your consciousness deep, i am there.
K Balachandran
Written by
K Balachandran  Kerala, India
(Kerala, India)   
   K Balachandran
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