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May 2016
I'm easy-
I'm as predictable as a bud
about to bloom before
the summer sun strikes her
heavy blow and smokes
the flowers with a

deep inhale, a canon.

When I come up and
I go down
so quickly, I know that
I'm easy
and I know that I
must be a fool

a coward,
conversed in the pull back
the push ahead of
a tide I'm
cultivated in
conceding when
my toes can't touch the
ground and I'm feeling
my familiar fear



and I'm telling you that
                              there's a war,

there are wars,
there are THESE wars:

where I'm the soldier
I'm the commander,
I'm the nurse,
and I'm the civilian,
the gun and
the sword:

I lie like a flower
in the trenches of
civil war.
Written by
Sarah  F/Oregon
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