i can't believe i'm living out my life's 10 seconds of stupidity with an un-payable debit account security of future credit, loans, debt and moaning... **** me double twice blind with a joker in hand... of course i'm stupid, i got educated in a world that pays you back with menial labour, to look pretty... seriously, don't do the stupidest thing imaginable and get yourself a university degree, unless you're a woman, that's fine, you'll get to meet and voluntarily wet your ****** with the next president of Romania, but we need idiot mechanics, and believe me, i'd rather oil up car pistons like stroking giraffe necks of Myanmar women.... from **** generals cited through to Epicurus' citation... believe me, i wish i was smarter, most of posthumous fame is a regard of obstructive i.q., we were believed to not take offence at our exposure to systematisation which educated both thief and banker... none of the two differ... both excusable buffers... we trusted people... trust was our biggest idiotic remark... and now the earth in spin... for endless maxims: it's like that... and that's the way it is; no wonder i end up watching serial killer documentaries.