At a ripe young age my imagination would take me to faraway lands, where I knew I was safe because you were there to guide me. As I grew I became confused by decisions made for me, I was upset because you were my Dad but were unable to be there for me. Headstrong & stubborn with an attitude to boot, are just a couple of reasons we clashed. Whirling & twirling down a chaotic self destructive path. Too scared to scream. Too tired to ask for help. I wish I had listened to you. As I grow now I remember the guidance you gave me, I cherish the moments of laughter & memories you made with me. I regret the years we missed amidst all the chaos. Seeing passion & knowledge just flowing out of you. Taking the time to know you, become your friend as well as your daughter. I love you Dad with all my heart, I'm just sorry I didn't say it sooner xo.