The frame a town in the Midwest time teen years the person a girl I have been touched by the Smokies Its southern magnificence the heritage it evokes, the Rockies awe inspiring, the Sierra Nevada its Grandeur commanding sheltered by the San Gabriel’s as I played in Los Angeles these places have one Thing in common they cause you to look out and beyond on the rich views below and they cause a Mighty flood of memories to crash ever so sweetly in the soul yes plenty of teenagers were around but For different reasons each uniquely stood out and apart all that made up the texture of this time its Greatness the final touches were being added to our lives and from this we would go on the harder Sometimes tougher road of life but in the midst of it all she stood like a Goldenrod impossible to miss Bright yellow in the profusion of other vivid colors for Ed unforgettable she possesses an undertow of Quiet Cool she didn’t make a great stir but a gentle one you slowly stepped and submerged yourself in The Quiet magic she created truly the pebble had fallen into the pool imperceptibly you couldn’t put You’re Finger on when but the circles continued to widen and you felt their effects a gentle hush Pervaded our sometimes rambunctious lives she at times was that indefinable darker hue that brought Depth to The picture soothing tremble that came into your life touched you then continued to the outer Reaches Still it lingered and in its make up hope sprang up causing a defense ageist alarm no harm Defied Her Charm this is just my simple way of saying thanks for being a wondrous part of my youth and what I am today and also happy birthday Sug