Joshua tree Across the high California desert you stand with lifted salutation off the beaten path the drift Of sea moisture mingles with tule fog rising from the desert floor you have briefly entered an alien World a brooding connection develops with London’s fog shrouded streets or the Arden with its Identification with It being the one natural barrier to the advancing Roman’s might and Shakespeare’s Play the woods for him was familiar but a place where change to ones fortune could occur and one Could find love mist is one of the times that a magic wand was effectively waved it produced a myriad Of realties notable connections a display that reaches the far borders of wonder pleasantness infringes On the harder order of the desert’s hotter principles farther east the great desert sentry looms above All else the saguaro cactus also raises its arms as the Joshua giving thanks for life in a stark and Burdensome land rock and scrub fills this place it takes time to appreciate such bitter circumstances But you can sink thoughtful roots that will play a symphony between sun and shadow and all the living Things that eke out a living there are a breed of people that thrive here also they can teach a lot to Others live on less you would be amazed how refreshing simple living can be get to much you find Fun squeezed out of the seams of the so called good life just think in this term when does water taste Like heavenly nectar when you have been deprived and are at a loss to find it the abundance of anything Can temper its value death swiftly occurs when the spirit of taking things for granted pervades those Times that are riveting and create completeness in us are by nature rare and treasured you don’t have To trek to far off deserts or faraway places a child’s youthful smile that is slipping away When tenderness flows and she makes your heart glow know my friend you are blessed with God’s best for all of earths time a husbands Gentle laugh his look that stirs you deeply these are but three of rarified finds that are in your life Enjoy treasure them they are personal gifts you possess today