Need adventure Helicopter not included I mentioned before California is like cereal it is full of fruits nuts and flakes well add Larry to the list he Found himself out in the yard in a lawn chair and the unthinkable happened he come to the conclusion He was bored now that just won’t do not in Los Angeles so to solve the problem he dashed down to the Army surplus store bought a bunch of weather balloons stopped along the way got a tank of helium Brought them home filled and tied the balloons to the lawn chair then tied the rope to his jeep went in Got his pellet pistol sat down in the chair so with figuring at release he would float up thirty feet one or Two ways to get down use the pellet gun shoot a couple of balloons float easily to the ground or if not That you’re just about even with the top of the house surly you can get the house underneath you to Jump Off on the roof now Larry wasn’t mechanical so anything to do with engineering was out what was Is that wonderful feeling of being up there so he pulled the rope there was a slight difference in the Expected feet not thirty but he shot up and leveled off at sixteen thousand feet ever feel your rope Might be missing some length well if the thought ever crossed his mind about the pellet gun idea two Things he was certain about he wasn’t bored and he didn’t want to shoot any balloons deceleration the Other Way was not an option so what’s a not to bright Californian to do well besides holding on for dear Life and freezing you added yourself into nature mixed bag nothing left to do but let nature do her thing So eight hours later he drifts into the Los Angeles airport corridor of all people you would meet a pilot Trying to land three hundred people calls the tower with this message I passed a man setting in a lawn Chair with weather balloons and by the way he is at sixteen thousand feet and he has a gun to scrabble F-16 would be too much even for California so good news for Larry they sent out just a Helicopter and Brought the lame duck back to safety just another day in the state it’s hard to be surprised in but some Still succeed