Each day, Father, I am coming to You. Though fear and doubt fill far too much of me, I have faith in You. Seasons change. Temperatures altered. Day after day, Jesus, I seek Your presence. My heart does not comprehend this lingering illness I've been presented. I sit in silent surrender to this raging inside hell. Seeing people I love, and wondering, how much longer shall I be amongst them? I feel again my daughters when they were born. Holding them in my arms. Watching them grow into young women. Hugging my Grandsons and wondering if they will remember me? Still, there is God. He promises relief. Not just from my sickness, but also to comfort those who might grieve. I do not know the day or the time of my demise. I only know that it is rushing upon me. God, make me strong when that is needed. Stay nearby. I know I will need You. Blessed Mary, guide me to your Son. Fill me with resolve to do what I must do. Faces shift and shine all around my vision. I reach out, letting my love go out to them. It is not goodbye. Rather, it is see you later. Father, Your will be done to me. I am coming home soon. Sacred Jesus, walk with me.