So yeah, I write a lot of sad ****. But this one isn't going to be. This is going to be my future life. Of writing books, that get sold over seas. Of all the amazing souls I have yet to meet. Of all the people who are going to travel just to hear me read. Of all the various feelings my words provoke. Because honestly, if I've ever made you feel a ******* thing from reading what I write, then my purpose is complete. I want to touch lives. I want to make your darkest days feel alive. As well as make you wonder why your happy at all. Or what happiness even is. I want to make you question everything, As well as believe that there are more than one or two ways of thinking. And for the record, **** silence. Because I'll always be on the cusp of Aries and Taurus. And I'll never quite know how to keep my mouth shut. And for the record, I like how even that statement can be misconstrued to form a negative opinion of me. But that's what I love. To rattle the cages of one's heart. To battle the most serious of thoughts. To write words provoked by others, but mostly about myself. And I guess when reading my stuff, in life, you should know that sometimes I write to myself, and that you may not mean you, and your may mean my or I. Regardless of this wordplay twist, the words I write will make you think. And with that said, my job is complete.