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Jan 2012
To the eye escapes a delightful sigh, our gaze so high
Our roots are found there; by forgotten heavenly ties
Without end we contend give us time we will mend.
By nature we look above the level plain, reams of unspooled clouds our dream belies

Life’s unfaltering sail this azure blue, we stand at our earth bound rail.
Who do we assail, but he who rent the veil?
Vagrant be we, can we dare to even tie the knot in this mystery of life. I think not.
Our course set at birth. All your gain lay away with the pain with death to exchange.

With the breeze our sweated brow is comforted.
Divest yourself my soul from this uncanny vanity.
You walk these fields of bounty, to you afforded.
Must you ever be sinking into the dominion of the devil?

Greatest liberty the perfect measure squared.
To this united nation uniquely paired.
Of all earth’s people, you the boldest dared.
With courage and justice for all, tyranny was spared.

You bore the proof man could attain freedom through self government.
This came about from cries of unrest, both political and spiritual.
What ghastly amendment we write, our signature details our torment.
Our politicians are not made to give an account, from dead spirits we have no comment.

You can live in a higher world. [Be transformed by the renewing of your mind] Romans 12:12
Written by
Hal Loyd Denton  Pana Ill
(Pana Ill)   
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