Is this our reality? Never admitting to the faults of the dark corners that makes the room of our existence? Never speaking of the truth that is believed by each soul to come with age? Never being that light we so crave from another? Can we stare at each-other for more than five seconds In unadulterated silence? Why does a brother disguised as a stranger seem irrelevant to you and your experience? No soul claims to know from some higher being with perfect certainty the meaning in our life like it's easy No one knows why we die someday or the answers to those questions We keep talking, keep driving, keep moving like mad people to a sense of normalcy consumed in distraction You know when I stare at the moon she stares back and sees me In her pale light as I am, as I was and how I will be When will somebody stare at me like the moon does when I'm under her? I didn't laugh at this cosmic joke of being born only to be sentenced to die someday My purpose is vague in those little things that cause hair loss and weight gain My purpose seems obscure... And that would be alright If I had developed trust in this chaos that appears so senseless And tomorrow is just another day of pretending I'm okay within this shifting weather. It's got to give sometime I couldn't find it in the bible or in spirituality and I couldn't find it in the people surrounding me I can't find it in the sky or glimpses of the galaxy I search from place to place like a gypsy for some solace of a place I can't find within me Its like disassociation when you cannot feel the water falling off your skin And life is only a dream. I thought about the alpha and omega but It hasn't thought of me And now I'm left here writing of my meanderings