how do i become everything i despise in order to fit my mishapen thoughts into the cracks undercutting their fundamentally broken world how do i overcome the revulsion of seeing my reflection in the mirror knowing every step i take towards financial freedom binds me tighter to the oar bench of a sinking ship set afloat on a sea of abject poverty every tainted pound i make i steal from another in this competition of survival where natural selection is bypassed in the name of exponential consumption every meal i buy i steal from the lips of someone who will never taste sweet promise again every penny i pay in tax to sustain a long dead dream kills another man i dont know with a bullet he wont hear in a land i cant visit as anything other than a culpable murderer my shame arresting me with a jurisdiction no court of human "rights" can ever understand how do i look around me at those that commit blind atrocity in the name of demonic democracy with their ignorant bliss and not want to ravage their pretty pampered throats with my teeth spilling their warm careless lives into the dust at their feet of those that failed to learn the lessons of the past or saw the revolving door of politics spit out clone after differently hued clone painted with the same brush hewn from the same men of the cloth and came away spun and believing the hype without ever acknowledging the possibility of another radical option how, in words without the ambiguity of those with a reputation to protect and a dollar to make do i **** everything and everyone that makes life a race to be run a game to be played and a resource to be monetarised plagiarised and dominated, alone.