prophesy also comes from the unwillingness to engage with verbs, such that nouns are thoroughly investigated, such that prophesy is a disengagement from verbs, and a penultimate rummaging in nouns to express a single verb associated with either biceps or triceps engaging in the missing flex, that thought is; a grand word, i know, but the unwillingness is all too apparent, to craft a verb from all accessible nouns and still revolve around the unfathomable is above all desired - rather than to craft a noun from all accessible verbs and still revolve around the fathomable as desired to denote life the end rather than an end; when reading was actually rereading and non-impulsive, non-instinctive, with reading the necessary repetition deviating from rhythmic repetition of poetry - when reading was to be taken to be as non-instructive - when people cared for freedom, and were less likely to claim psychiatric pathology by claiming reading was to be instructive! those were the days! these days people want to be hit with a shepherd's staff, to be herded, to be instructed, by-product of these days ensuring that the best writing can only be non-instructive.*
active censorship of the 20th century - humanity's greatest fascination and a piggy bank of capitalism's investment worthwhile will clear like 19th century's london smog and all will find themselves as Adam or Eve, in paradise, albeit naked in terms of vocabulary and therefore easily manipulated, for if a poor vocabulary was ever equal to a shepherd's shawl it is now - for a poverty of vocabulary came to pass as a poverty of attire, and the 21st century will prove it so, with the exponential disappearance of menial tasks in factories and in agricultural society.