A Female Bodybuilder stance A Male Bodybuilder given a chance One flex in advance The March down muscle threshold lane The value of muscle that will remain A Happy Occasion on this day The music has started just step this way The matrimony that will begin The Female Bodybuilder struts her gown The witnesses in attendance seem to be making a frown But this is a Wedding and they must settle down We are gathered together in Holy Matrimony to join two muscle Doves Flex and Pose to think of Love and honor both in lifts No more to say, but do the Husband and Wife kiss
Now it would be the time to celebrate their day of bliss between Man and a Woman Protein Shakes are all set up It will be nutrition filling up every cup Then its hit the dance floor This is happiness for sure Everyone seems to be having a good time The couple are Bodybuilders and can’t drink Wine Yet they are champs within their own flex Some onlookers might look a little perplexed However it was muscle that got along Love taking center stage where it belongs.