On the flight path down from Quebec in the recent past, they say, The lead goose saw a foursome on the fairway, hard at play.
Their clothing was intriguing Bright Argyles and Staid plaids Little lackeys followed them, carrying their bags.
The goose brigade lost interest in proceeding South that day. Instead they landed on the course intent on watching play.
The lead Goose now spent all his time At Bethpage, on the Black, and honked golf commentary to all his fledgling flock.
This lead Goose was the First, brave Avian pioneer, who broke the pattern going South- instead he wintered here.
The Geese are protected by the law, so we have no recourse. We can't hunt down these honkers who are greasing up the course.
Within one human lifetime- a revolutionary change. the geese have all stopped flying South They're students of the game.
In my youth flocks of Canadian Geese flew South for the winter in massive V formations. Now they linger in parks and local golf courses. A major behavioral change in 50 years. Here is a myth about how it came about.