Be human So ******* human We ain't perfect I know I'm not Always human With our mistakes And griefs And happiness What makes us human? Try not taking a **** Everyone does So don't pretend you're any better Than any one of us Try holding in a **** It hurts, doesn't it? But then alone you let it loose And it stinks Doesn't it? What makes you think You can get by lying, Pretending you don't pick your nose? A lot of snot, right? And then you wipe it on your bed And guys Quit saying you don't ******* Every guy does And women Quit saying you don't play with it It feels good, doesn't it? I know I like to Watching ******* girl **** And then smoking a cigarette afterwards **** naked If we aren't human about it all Then what the **** are we A bunch of robots I don't know about you But I always want to be human Make mistakes And learn from them If not Then I'm just ******* doomed To repeat them Let's all band together And say no more! No more lying! No more pretending! Quit using others! Be yourselves! Be ******* human