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Apr 2016
You must make up your mind to be passive or a fighter.
A complainer or a righter.

You must stand your ground when you're right.
When authorities wants you be totally silent.
By advising you how to get ahead?
By lying instead.

You must adapt to responsibility after years of none.
Regretting for that day to come.
We all have plenty things to avoid.

You must confirm to your faith.
For hopes and prayers to work.
Substances moves when they have reasons too.

You must determine to be the BEST dad, mother, father, sister, uncle, aunt or brother.
By knowing what's require of those titles?

There are a lot of must in life we must do.
But the best and the hardest but easier than we think.
Is to be you.
jeffrey conyers
Written by
jeffrey conyers  united states
(united states)   
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