I Cannot Comprehend You feeling the bitter Need to Mess with my head With little expressions Like 'I Miss You', Maybe you should Pled Guilty instead, Darling it comes as No surprise, that I Despise these lies that you Tell yourself and your friend, To try and make the Means justify the End, It was not that you Went and came, it's just This Self Righteous mind-game That you play, So take your Uncontrollable aim For William Tell, Bow in hand, Final Fare Thy Well, as you You place the apple On my head and try to Rid of Mistakes you Made, But Nothing will taste Sweeter And Nothing will look Neater, Just a mountain of the Finest Rotten Fruits Pulled from ****** stalk And Lifeless Root, This Skinny Love was just a Labour of Lust, That was sooner than later Bound to Lurch, Burst and Bust, This Faltering Ripple of Neglect, If our ship was once afloat, It is now most certainly Wracked.