well, i won't be the one, a conformist, can't be bothered, well no, i can't be bothered, m.t.v. turned into 16 year old pregnancies, **** **** a closer inspection of queen, that won't happen... there's no utopia here, but what comes from being unloved -
'good-luck with marriage!'
i asked i got a reply with arsenic... well, if a diet is a diet, we might as well be hopeful... jealous lovers and the incomprehensibility of certain people not ever having engaged in a life that might provide them... tonne of **** with a touché! as a vet a rubber gloved hand up to the elbow to check a bull's prostate via his **** hole... i'd quote feminism, but i might as well quote Ezra's lunatic judgement correct against Churchill in defence of Mussolini... western democracy's narcissism hit me too... the constant need to export and never import... the constant need for traitors to upkeep a contestant populace rather than a populace of worthy voters... it was always there... so many sacrifices attached to a political movement were never worth it, the least sacrificial politics always produced the most successful endeavours with china and india... just those economic gluttons and continual iconoclasm with dyslexia as proof... how hope of heaven was never encoded in images of sounds and kept therein - i stead dyslexia, laziness of the communicative angle, to keep heaven forlorn with stressed images as a laziness to forget the aesthetic of spelling a wording... oh well...