I'll be honest. It isn't because my mother can't commit I'm not dependent on her idiosyncrasies or her BeatenKickedMurderedWays
It isn't that my future is too bright To be shaded by love Or poetry OrartOrmusicoranythingatall
It isn't the way our hearts just don't beat in time
It isn't you. It isn't me.
It's been two years, and it's still her.
She's still in every sip of the coffee I'm too cowardly to drink and sh E's in the words I conjure up when I try to be romantic b Ut I'm all out of wor Ds to use beca Use I used them all on her lips
I can't help it. She makes appearances in shopping mall windows and in the steam from my skin melting showers. You want a forever, well so do I
But mine was stolen from me and god I wish I had purple sheets.