My chest hurts My chest feels hot and stiff I’m having a hard time breathing in and out My head is pounding
I’m worried to think I’m thinking about so much I’m thinking so fast that I don’t even know what is going on in my head I’m worry about so much I’m scared stiff
I want to cry and at the same time I don’t I feel like a child again I child that is lost And can’t find their way
The tears are coming down so fast I want to stop And when I can finally stop crying Someone comes along and asks “Are you ok?” Then I start to bawl again
What is wrong with me? Help someone I want help But at the same time I don’t
I’m shaking My body won’t stop moving I’m panicking If I stop moving something bad will happen I can’t stop moving I need to move I need something to play with I want to run around I want to scream I want to dance But I can’t
Because if I run off someone will worry about me or get angry Sometimes I don’t want anyone near me And other times I want someone to be hugging me All my emotions are messes up But one of them is sad I feel sad and unhappy, scared, worried, angry, confused, stressed out I feel so helpless sometimes I want to go somewhere one minute but the next I don’t want to move or go anywhere I want someone to tell me it is ok to cry Because that is all I can do right now Is to move around and cry
My breathing is getting faster and faster I don’t want to be around people
I’m hiding under the table
No please I don’t want to go up and speak That is not what I meant to say I want to let it all out But I’m afraid at the same time I can tell you all of it without messing up When I speak It comes out wrong
When I laugh it comes at the wrong time When I smile, I smile at the wrong time When I do something or someone says something, That hurts me I can’t let go of it It bothers me for so long I just wish I could stop
My hands shake all the time I want to know why
I’m afraid of snapping in front of someone I’m afraid of yelling or getting angry
When I get jealous of someone I hate myself for getting jealous of them And I won’t let go of it
I’m the monster under my bed I like to hate and make me feel bad I’m my own bully I’m all the mean voice inside of my head
And I wish it could all just stop
A very old poem, made long ago. So please do not judge it to much, I was young and having a hard time, and wanting to get stuff off of my chest.