Black hole quasar pulsar star meridians oblique oracle messages from beyond the lost between the bureau of the forgotten Dreams images disjointed some admirably projected on the screen of the mind they tell you a mystery where is the key Like being in a library books everywhere any subject any topic whatever your taste or fancy but without retrieval how rotten Space fascinates holds men enthralled the searching of the cosmos the whole of life it has consumed the overly curious
What I’m talking about is if you could take a meteor shower put it in a black velvet bag capture true magic hold for your disposal Take droplets of rain speak to them and they would obey your voice become for one hour that which you desire most from life Find the passage to the center of the mountain a gapping cave where a true oracle is beheld divine utterance her real espousal You take knowledge long hidden disperse it among the most troubled and confused and aura breaks and arches those of need
Life’s dilemmas and contrasts these intangible twisted knotted fields of gloom you touch bows unknown understanding blooms Course contrary buffeted by unpleasant wind oh to know how to rescind make rays of hope grow in resplendent rows The common coal fired and pressured over millennia does purist light ignite the mind soul and heart in excitement it consumes Striation found in the cold glacier this natural marking take from it learn the soul has divine grooves that only play spiritual tunes
This might sound farfetched but one day it will be the norm for Gods family the unexpected the unbelievable your daily life Now we are in neutral or the drive is mostly in the natural like you build the best house then someone sticks up an eye sore There is the contrast the conflict your spiritual house shines then your enemy self wrecks and devalues ruination rife The spirit oracle revealed that the devil wants you as a trophy in a case how nice God wants you but he wants you as family