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Jan 2012
Important beyond words

Just one blade of grass take this that you are one blade among the whole visited made alive by the wind this movement soul stirring
The same is true we on our own are without life until the spirit breathes and moves on us in a way that changes everything and
Identifies us as unique especially planned in our own execution of informal self directed involvement we do a great disservice to our
Selves and to all others as truly ineffective wrecked being giving the illusion of proper managed lives when in fact we don’t know the
First thing about true living we have never questioned the manufacture or consulted the manual we run in all directions only to
Accomplish burnout anyone who is truly grounded and centered at any given time can give a fully detailed account of his present
Situation and where at any given time in the future where he can be found and what he will be doing only the foolish rush headlong
Into unknown swamps when there are paths and guidepost that show the way to a land of immediate fulfillment and a future world of
Joy and happiness Henry David Thoreau said most people live lives of quiet desperation that is because of blatant distortion and
Haphazard living how stupid can we really be we have all read and heard what the benefits are where else in society would anyone let
Another receive so much freely and then denie themselves these same advantages tell me there is not a lie being perpetrated and over
Three quarters of the people are falling for it I look I see people being moved changed dark negative waters are being treated changed
Into the sweetest concourses and lives being rescued the big question where in the world are you why are you missing this I will tell
Where you are whatever your circumstances you don’t have the goods you’re being sold a bundle of goods how can man be given
Trash and you see him a year or years later and he is still carrying it almost prizes the crazy junk because someone is blind and it isn’t
The one passing out the trash he had it all blew it now he wants you to suffer the same fate as him guess what you are if you could get
This you would be fuming mad what a fool I have been I’m standing next to a bomb that is about to detonate and I ignorantly just keep
Smiling the fact is you’re in a two bit carnival the proprietor comes out ahead way ahead you get to become an everlasting
Cinder just like him because he is too great an enemy for you alone you could be in a family that sets together feels waves of love
Passing over you deep springs of joy in your soul will be gushing up through your life you will miss pit falls and traps its true you will
Love one and hate the other this is true in relationships if get involved with someone and the one you loved your whole life will
Strangely become annoying distasteful and if continued will become abhorrent strange fire excites but also kills and sometimes
Literally if that’s not your weakness don’t worry your father in this world has custom fitted strait jackets just for you what is so perfect
You won’t even know it well you know it by your soul being miserable but what does it know it knows it will be the one paying for the
Bodies behavior forever the sick part it is a disease that will **** you and your loved ones it is a spiritual cancer far more dangerous and
Far reaching in one piece I talked about that General in libera his deal with the good old boy was slaughter three hundred and fifty
Innocent people a day but the divine love intervened and he wasn’t lead to just anyplace but he was taken to where the spirit and truth
Freely flow I watched this first hand in a great hall people were calling on the righteous one you could see the invisible as it moved over
The people just as the grass in the field they swayed in this spiritual wind tears of joy laughter peace broken lives restored evil dying
At every point it was found in human hearts it’s too good to miss see you in God’s house if not your playing into the enemies hands
For the last time the righteous will be raised to eternal life those who continued in evil to everlasting fire and destruction I know this
truth most will not be changed maybe your one of the exceptions weigh with intense thoughtfulness your decision time is running out
Written by
Hal Loyd Denton  Pana Ill
(Pana Ill)   
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