That day stands sharp in focus Whenever it's called to mind; A peaceful Sunday Morning, just before the Harvest time.
They held a picnic benefit Each year on public land For the Widows and the Orphans Of the firefighters clan . All gladly paid to enter and bought chance books besides. The old men brought their families The young men brought their brides.
Bouncing on the rides and slides erected for them here- The children had the best of times as their mothers hovered near.
The men were cooking barbecue, Tossing footballs, drinking beers You'd recognize their names- because you hear them once a year.
The day was nearly cloudless Seldom was the sky so blue. Who knew so many would be lost before that week was through.
Within two days too many here were cut down in their prime. Betrayed by poor equipment- They could not escape in time.
But I, permitted to grow old, remain to testify about the courage of my friends-. so that their memory never dies.
That day is sharp in focus Whenever it's called to mind; A peaceful Sunday Morning, just before the Harvest time.
09-09-11 The scene is the Fireman's benefit picnic for Widows and Orphans which was held that year in a public park on Staten Island. I attended with my family because we have firemen in our family By noon on Tuesday 9-1-01 over 200 of the people we were with that day were dead.