all i want to do is swallow swallow swallow swallow i breathe death and my painted knuckles bruise green in their luminescence hearing her speak is like crushing lines and tracing my entrails tract you are not me you are not me you are not me and i want to swallow the ocean feel the sloshing tides consume me burn the frizzy kinks from my hair you dont see the light in me you dont see me i am so so much more than the minuscule sect you see of me in this life if i cant give my all to you then i feel as though its clear that im so divided up in my life that my the pieces of me cant collect enough to put in your swollen arms to call your own calling me small is an understatement when in reality i am so much bigger than you and i may be crying now because you tell me that i am not enough but in the end i will be so so much bigger than you