There is a part of me In the middle of my chest Surrounding my center of gravity That wants to write you out of my palms For the hundredth time And Tell everyone in the world but you In a collection of sentiments and drug induced nightfalls My exact and precise emotions
There is a part of me In the back of my head Next to all of my memories That begs for the erasure of your name For the thousandth time That pushes me to write down how I feel for the times I forget that I loved everything poisonous about you
That I make art and I do it for you And I can't sleep anymore and I do it for you That every word I drip onto paper I say it for you
There is a part of me In my fingertips, In my stomach That hurts to be natural That hurts to go this distance That hurts to write one poem about you Where I dont come up on the losing end That waits for your touch The words I know you dont say for me
There is a part of me In the front of my brain Behind my eyelids That remembers your apathy That soaks in your words and Refuses to settle within me in fear that This repression will spring to life And I will spend my nights in the echo of your words Letting it scratch into my skin Letting you scar me
It balances With the part of me in my ribcage That opens and closes for you like A white picket fence That does everything for you That watches me listen to you And fade in and out of consciousness That remembers your antidote like a phone number That silences the rest of my ******* body In the hum of the drunk times you've told me This time will be different This time I will love you
There is a part of me That wants to eradicate the existence of you in notebooks In sentence structures and walls of words
And it strains against something that is not a part of me at all But surrounds my body and pushes against me like gravity That keeps you trapped in the center my palms Against my skin with no puncture wounds It flashes your face every time I blink And I havent figured out how to free myself of this heart crushing weight Than to write that
My body agrees Loving you is not worth All of this pressure