" Doctor, doctor.. My heart has bled, bountifully, with the deep & dreaded desire! This boy's been bustling over the girl- who- on instagram- posts pictures of fire. There's too much energy- flowing through the wires- of my mind when I think of that brunette beauty. She's smoother than a 12 year Brandy.. It's honestly not that hard to understand, - you see? I've admired this woman since I was thirteen. I remember walking her home, half a dozen years ago- on my birthday. Easy going chit chat- mind full of riff raff- trying not to look like an aśs- cause I always did had a mass- ive crush on this cup of Brandy. We were from such different worlds, Hell, we still are. I wish I would've stayed working at that ****** little bar, I would have - had I known she was lurking amongst the crowd- with a resume. I'm younger than her; touché. But- I've learned a lot since the day- that she and her friends pulled me a case of beer- on my birthday.
& I'd love the opportunity to show her the growth; to make her feel better than she does- most days, currently. "