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Apr 2016
She tip-toed around sensitive subjects-
She ate chocolate when she was upset-
I noticed her long hair had a glow-
And her eyes twinkled a star show.

She was the girl that made me forget
Forget everyone who made me upset
So as her words went through my ears
They rid me of shedding any tears.

I forgot everyone in the past, in the moment
Then I stood there quickly wishing and hoping
That she would ask me for my number
But instead she asked me for my Tumblr.

I told her ' I didn't know that's still a thing'
She replies 'Ok, your number? I'll give you a ring'.
A smile lit up like stars across my face-
Baring all my teeth sitting in place.

Let me describe her beautiful smile
I would indefinitely walk a hundred mile
Just to see her teeth shimmer and shine
With a dazzling glow making anyone blind.

She was something I have never seen
A beautiful model in a movie scene
But her looks weren't all that gave her value
She was smarter and kinder than anyone ever knew.

Her heart must have been made from solid gold
From all the things she said and the tale she told
She sounded like a curriculum vitae of perfection
And she believes 'happiness is within creation'.

Her poem to me she recited from the first second
I was surprised by finally receiving this blessing
She was extremely eloquent in what she had said
That I was sure in the moment, i lost my head.

There once was a green grimy toad
Who never knew of his worth
So he sat sedated by insecurities
Ever since birth.

There once was a pretty princess
Who kept her feelings hidden
Because she was always told
That emotions are forbidden.

The toad met the princess
Admired her from a distance
Told her of her beauty
And she gave in to resistance.

A smile formed across her face
Feeling loved and cherished
The toad cried of his ugliness
And she made his insecurities perished.

She kissed the toad
And no he didn't change
Because he didn't need to
He was perfect as he was.

She recited her poem and I knew,
That of all grass green and all sky blue
There was no doubt she was perfect.
Star Gazer
Written by
Star Gazer
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