Captivated By the imagery, Maybe I now can feel it too. Held suspense, in the distance And the visions. Gut hit, Paused for a revisit, a recheck. Embrace fully felt. Captivated
Encapsulated, Entranced. Action in The heavenly dance. Arms spread receiving The heavenly granting of vision. The heavenly peripheral vision. The perspective from above. Encapsulated,
Loved, moved to hug everyone. Recharge with each touch. The ones that are bound To this time around. Those prepares future visions And coax relation, for certain results. The results will arrive In time we will see we are Love.
The physical kind, the movement of stuff. The energy behind life, The formation of cosigns. The reflection you make When you look at me. The actual movement of things, This love, force is what I see. Tuning to it just seems free. Love no longer a mystery. Grace, fully received.
Love is all we need. Its all we are. Tune in. the vibration is a little higher. Rise and shine, its near here. Submit to our self, our heart vibration. Soften Open, relax in the joy of being.