you lie awake seeing nothing but the fan spin all around. the truth is real your life is a lie. if i take the pain away what will be my next role speaking the line you were told to survive. today is as what yesterday was. how long is the the path to run away. the feeling of being high brings me peace but what will it come to me. falling to the floor seeing the room spin with no grip to life up. every night i grow more open minded to what life would be life to have some one grab my be for i slip off the cliff into insanity. my reflection looks at me and says love isn't real when you are high. every night growing more skid dish not able to face reality. i am my own mid night stuck in a trans of endless mind lies. losing every thing you loved before will be your next score. i'm a mess when i just can't find my grip. i'm growing more ****** up as time takes its toll on my life away from people who loved me.
theirs no place to hide or run away only inanity will play your life's roll. away till mid night locking your self away from from society till 48 hours have been passed starving the crave for you next score. i hear to force my self into reality. my grip is slipping looking down to the huge rail road bridge plunging to my endless road where angels will erase every thing that made me the mess i have to realize life is free from night and day is the real reason why i only come out at night no i won't be seen.
being the mess my reflection keeps telling me i'm not crazy or insane but lost in a world where society scares the **** out of me taking the mess i have become
love is what reality will make your life open to ideas that will make you love finding some one who will always have a open heart to cry on
i have beat my addiction when i have fallen in love erasing my messed up self into a life that facing reality.
my night mar went away when a girl found me in the world.
i have the ease no more cold hearten twist or never awake.
just do it one more time
endless rapture in my own reflection telling me this isn't the real me
i hope peopl like this i wrote its one of my personal thoughts