M - moaning. What Monday was created for. To moan. Dragging ones weary bones out of bed. Washing, brushing then rushing.. Then we smile when the day is over. Instead roll in lavender clover.
O - the shape depicted on our face from lips acting surprised! The realisation the weekend has slipped to history panics us. But it comes again.
N - nothing is quite right on Monday. The traffic is a nightmare, the wristwatch plays games with our mind. Do not get me started on the buttons on my jacket that dropped off at the glorious moment we needed perfection. Oh no drop off they did. Then hid.
D - **** this, **** that. It is Monday - need I say more.
A - at last. We say this at the appropriate times, whenever they are.
Y - you are home. Candles around the bath, to contact undesirable spirits when privacy is paramount. Nobody likes a ghost spying on our moments. Yes, yes, yes Monday is over.
But today is a holiday. Bring out the wine, chocolates, let us party. Pack your troubles away, stay in the zone. You are home. Party it is Monday and dare I say "Yes!"